Thursday, January 22, 2009


After weeks of pushing and prodding it with his tongue....Enzo's front tooth finally bailed out...he stayed up most of the night waiting for the tooth fairy...but she was too durn sneaky. He has a definate whistle now when his says his "sssssss"s...good for chasing his sisters as a giant snake to be sure.By the could send a team spelunking in the hole!


Amy Johnson said...

Oh, I remember those tooth years! Now I'm dealing with children needed their wisdom teeth out! So cute! Tell him congrats for me. I hope the tooth fairy was generous!

Killa K said...

Congrats Zo! What a big boy. He will have to figure out a trap now to snare that fairy!

Penny said...

Luv that picture, Zo. Now you can get a new tooth in that spot. Did the Tooth Fairy pay you?