Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Winter Finally Hits DC!

This is my high-tech weather determination doppler-mahgigy... in my professional opinion we had about 2.5 inches...True, I must have been a pioneer meterologist in my past life.
okay, theses two pics are "post" snow play...but Delia's hair was driving me crazy so I took the scissors to it after our warm-up bath...what a diva.

hmmm...look like anybody we know...(not the naked part of course)...whoops.

The child loves to shave, and I love the child...but I got to wonder if she should use that razor a little higher-up???? See how there is so much eyebrow that the water just hangs out there....thank-you lord for wax;)

Enzo and I were not detered by our inability to build a proper snowman...instead we built a snow feifdom...

Complete with giant centurian guards (wearing what appears to be Shriner hats?????)

A slackers day off-school well-spent...throwing snow at your momma...what could be finer??

What form! This kid should be raised in real snow country...Farm stock I tell you....pure farm stock.
The girls and I had a blast...you can see all of the grass poking through our anemic snowfall...it wasn't much, but it did the trick...winter was magic again.

Well...one week earlier inaugural madness hit the city and we all survived despite 'Hurricane" warnings from local officials...this week it is winter madness...SNOW!!!! We got only about 2 inches...but you would have thought the kids won the lottery. Sad, sad Virginia children;) Of course school let out early so we played all day in the snow. I was so glad we got to enjoy it...as it is sure to be rained away in the night tonight.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


After weeks of pushing and prodding it with his tongue....Enzo's front tooth finally bailed out...he stayed up most of the night waiting for the tooth fairy...but she was too durn sneaky. He has a definate whistle now when his says his "sssssss"s...good for chasing his sisters as a giant snake to be sure.By the way...you could send a team spelunking in the hole!


Grammy enjoyed some gingerbread house decorating with the kiddoes...We made the house, and Enzo made a "garage" for the gingerbread family...since Daddy really wants one:)

This is the welcome committee Zo put together for Santa...I am unsure if it looks welcoming.....or menacing! The Bionicle weilding laser weapons might be a bit intimidating...;)

Grammy and the kids with their tasty project....we put it out for the squirrels finally this week.